Portland Pozzolan Cement (PPC) type IP

Portland Pozzolan Cement (PPC) type IP is a higher quality of Portland Blended cement

Portland Pozzolan Cement (PPC) type IP is a higher quality of Portland Blended cement. It is high quality of compressive strength, keeps physical and chemical properties consistently, suitable for all civil construction work, fits for infrastructure & industrial projects.

PPC type IP can also be used for construction work that requires high strength concrete & early strength development. Some typical examples is used of the CFC’s PPC such as: high building, bridge, road, seaport and airport.

CFC’s PPC type IP cement manufactured according to the ASTM C595-15 or PNS63:2019. It also can meet requirement for PCB40 in accordance with TCVN6260:2020 and for CEM II/A-V42.5N in accordance with EN 197-1:2011


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