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CFC received Golden Dragon Award 2019

Sunday  01/11/2020
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On April 6, 2019, Chinfon Cement Corporation received the Golden Dragon Award 2019 at the Golden Dragon Award & Vietnamese Excellent Brand Festival held in the Marriot Hotel Hanoi. This is the consecutive 18 years the Company received the valuable Award.

The Golden Dragon Award is the annual event co-organized by Vietnam Economic Times and the Foreign Investment Agency, the Ministry of Planning and Investment, which ranked and awarded the out-standing FDI enterprises for their significant contributions to the local government in particular and to the country in general in term of out-standing business results, tax contributions, jobs creation and social responsibilities.

In 2019, The Oganizers voted for titles to promote the criteria of creative values, initiatives and applications of science and technology into production and business. 

At the Golden Dragon Award Ceremony 2019, together with 60 FDI enterprises, Chinfon Cement Corporation was honored to be voted and awarded the Golden Dragon Award 2019, marking the 18th consecutive year the Company received this noble Award since the first year of  the Award's commencement. Below are some photos taken at the Golden Dragon Award Ceremony in Hanoi on April 6, 2019.