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The 5S Movement at Chinfon Cement Corpotation

Monday  16/11/2020
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Working environment is one of the most important aspects to assure satisfaction for employee: Hygiene, cleanliness, well ventilated workplaces without toxic factors which will maintain stable health and minimize stress conditions to the employees.

Working environment is one of the most important aspects to assure satisfaction for employee: Hygiene, cleanliness, well ventilated workplaces without toxic factors which will maintain stable health and minimize stress conditions to the employees. By awareness of importance of these factors, the Leader Board of the Company has been applying “5S” movement to the entire of the Company since 2000 to present.

The “5S” movement is an effective management tool which can help the users to gain considerable effectiveness and achievements. The movement was first found and applied by Japanese enterprises, “5S” are five major contents abbreviated by five first letters in Japanese:

SEIRI (Sorting) – To eliminate all unnecessary tools, parts and instructions, keep only essential items and eliminate what are not required.

SEITON (Setting in order) – To arrange tools, parts and instructions in such a way that the most frequently used items are the easiest and quickest to locate.

SEISO (Sweeping) – To clean the workplaces and all equipments, and keep it clean, tidy and organized.

SEIKETSU (Standardizing) – All work stations for a particular job should be identical. Everybody should know exactly what his/her responsibilities are for maintenance of here above mentioned “3S”.

SHITSUKE (Sustaining the practice) – To maintain and review voluntarily standards right after previous “4S” have been established with continuous improvements.

Chinfon Cement Corporation has been applying strictly and effectively the major contents and requirements of the 5S Movement, which has been creating the tidy, clean and hygiene working conditions, the Company’s surrounding environment has been more green and beautiful. Documents, tools and equipments at work places have been arranging scientifically, becoming easier to use and restore, saving a lot of time and improving productivities.

By implementation of 5S movement, the entire of the Company’s employees have been satisfying with the working environments and conditions, and always keeping their minds at their works which has contributing significantly to the Company’s productivities, the improvements of the quality of products and services to serve  customer and society.