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Safety and effectly Waste treatment process

Wednesday  18/11/2020
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For plants, the region risks such as pollution enviroment dust dispersed by the transport of materials is limited because the entire process of transport conveyors installed a closed bag filter system at all points transition.

Materials after the coordinate data with a reasonable rate to mill, dried in the mill at the same time and be drawn into electrostatic dust filter system to separate the wheat from the air flow data and then brought to silo contained before the tower and kiln drying. With air (waste) is separated out after the powder material becomes clean and waste through pipe smoke

Data from powder silos and then forwarded to the top of the tower dryer with a preliminary air conveyor system, bucket load of closed dust does not spread out. Preliminary drying tower through powder material is heated to 850oC and then transferred to the furnace, heating the powder material Clanhke. Clinker burning system is controlled by electrostatic dust filter system performance.

Waste gases such as SOX, NOx, CO duocgiam achieve minimum levels allowed by international standards through technological measures. The most solid waste is not hazardous as the type of case including broken cement torn, tight low-quality coal, refractory bricks used in the categories are not exclusive focus on the provisions in place and transported out through the contractor is capable of protecting enviroment. Hazardous waste such as waste oil, cheap oil and stick handling in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001.

Apart from environmental monitoring as required by the Approving EIA, annual company also conducted measurements, a comprehensive test environment parameters labor standards and requirements promulgated by the Ministry of Health in the decision 3733/2002-QD-BYT with good results, satisfy the requirements of the working environment at a high level.



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