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[Infographic] Provisional guidance for screening before vaccination against COVID-19

Thursday  19/08/2021
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Infographic Guide to the latest pre-vaccination pre-vaccination screening for COVID-19 with a sample of Screening Form.

On August 10, 2021, the Ministry of Health issued Decision 3802/QD-BYT on Provisional Guidelines for pre-vaccination screening for COVID-19 vaccine, including supplementing and adjusting a number of target groups in pre-vaccination screening for COVID-19 vaccine and Pre-vaccination Screening Sheets.

Pre-vaccination screening for COVID-19 vaccine

Accordingly, pre-injection screening is to detect and classify subjects eligible for vaccination against COVID-19 to ensure vaccination safety.

Subject groups were divided into 4 groups: Group eligible for vaccination, Group needing to be cautious in vaccination, Group delay vaccination and Group contraindicated.

Infographic_ Temporary guidance on pre-vaccination screening for COVID-19 vaccine

Who is eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine?
Eligible groups for vaccination against COVID-19
Persons of vaccination age as recommended in the manufacturer's instructions for use and who are not hypersensitive to the vaccine's active ingredient or any of its excipients are eligible for COVID-19 vaccination.

Group delays vaccination against COVID-19
Those with a clear history of COVID-19 within 6 months, people with acute illness, and women less than 13 weeks pregnant are eligible to delay COVID-19 vaccination.

Group needs to be cautious in vaccination against COVID-19
Groups needing caution when vaccinating include people with a history of allergies to other allergens, people with underlying medical conditions, chronic diseases, women 13 weeks pregnant or more or people with abnormal signs of temperature, blood pressure, pulse, breathing rate. This group of subjects needs to be carefully and thoroughly screened.

Group of contraindications to vaccination against COVID-19
The group of contraindications are subjects who cannot receive the vaccine if there is a clear history of anaphylaxis to the same type of COVID-19 vaccine (last time) or there are any contraindications of the manufacturer for the intended vaccine.

Pre-vaccination screening form for COVID-19 vaccine (according to the latest decision on August 10 of the Ministry of Health)

(Source: Life Health Newspaper, https://suckhoedoisong.vn/infographic-huong-dan-tam-thoi-kham-sang-loc-truoc-khi-tiem-vaccine-phong-covid-19-169210811120104836.htm)