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Training and development

Thursday  22/04/2021
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Training and development

Training& Development activities 

To ensure the sustainable development of Company, the human capital is one of the key factors. Company constantly focuses on the training and developing for the capacity of employees and facilitates a continuous learning environment. The courses are designed closely with the practical training demands to offer employees the opportunity of development on their talents as well as of ensuring occupational safety and health throughout our Company.

Occupational safety and hygiene training, work procedure training and work instruction are compulsory required at our Company to ensure that every individual knows and well understands the regulations on occupational safety and health, to make sure the working procedures to perform properly and well. In addition, company also organizes relevant training courses to improve professional expertise, management skills and soft skills for employees.

Company will continue to innovate training and re-training methods in order to have a team of business and technical managers who are qualified, capable, dynamic and creative in grasping modern production technology as well as our Company constantly builds a contingent of highly skilled workers to improve constantly the labor productivity and business efficiency to integrate with the region and the world.



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