• Thursday 13/03/2025
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Picture for news item Chúng tôi đã làm gì với thiết bị của mình để cải thiện môi trường?

What we have done with our equipment to improve environment?

Friday, November 20, 2020
What we have done with our equipment to improve environment?
Picture for news item Công ty xi măng Chinfon đón nhận huân chương lao động hạng nhì

Received the second - class Labour medal

Friday, November 20, 2020
On 02/10/2008 president of socialist republic of Viet Nam has signed the decision no.
Picture for news item Lễ đốt lò dây chuyền sản suất số II

The 2nd Production Line Kiln Firing Ceremony

Friday, November 20, 2020
In the air jubilantly, bustling with the participation of more than 300 delegates, guests, holidays burning kiln cement production line 2 Chinfon cement company marks a new start in production and business the company"s cement production more than doubled compared with before.
Picture for news item Giảm giá bán than trong nước

Reduction of coal price for domestic customers

Friday, November 20, 2020
Ministry of Finance has just released the information that the Ministry has approved the proposal of Vinacomin about reducing coal price for domestic customers, the new price would be applied since October 22, 2012 with the highest reduction level of 9,5%.
Picture for news item Báo cáo kết quả thực hiện

Enviroment Protect and Safe Report

Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Annual construction company MT Management program with specific objectives such as: Reduce heat energy consumption during clinker production.
Picture for news item Chinfon với công tác bảo vệ môi trường

Chinfon with the works of environment protection

Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Chinfon Cement Corporation is one of the leading Companies in Vietnam cement industry particularly and in building material production industry generally
Picture for news item Cam kết bảo vệ môi trường của các CBCNV trong công ty

Enviroment Protect Activities in CFC

Wednesday, November 18, 2020
As soon as its establishment, Chinfon Cement Corporation has been aware of the importance of environmental protection as well as its own obligation and mission in the works of keeping the environment clean and safety.
Picture for news item Quy trình xử lý chất thải an toàn, hiệu quả

Safety and effectly Waste treatment process

Wednesday, November 18, 2020
For plants, the region risks such as pollution enviroment dust dispersed by the transport of materials is limited because the entire process of transport conveyors installed a closed bag filter system at all points transition.




Labor Medal
Second Class


Labor Medal
Third Class


International Quality Award
Diamond Level


International Quality Award
Premium Level


International Quality Award
Golden Star Level


Golden Dragon Awards
consecutive 2001-2020


Green-Tech Award


Sucstainable Green Brand Award


Golden Cup for Safety


Award for Environment Friendly


National Quality Award


moitruong Company's Song



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