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CFC's CEMS system worth over VND 7.2 billion officially connects to the server of the environmental monitoring center of Hai Phong DONRE.

On November 16, 2017, at the monitoring center of Hai Phong Department of Natural Resources and Environment, HACEM, Chinfon Cement Corporation delegation together with HACEM's representatives signed a connection minutes, officially connecting CFC's CEMS at the headquarters to HACEM's server. Monitoring parameters include particulate matter (PM), NOx, CO, SO2 , flow rate, O2 concentration and temperature of 2 main stacks at sampling frequency every 5 minutes.

This is the result of efforts to implement the CEMS installation project of CFC that started in February 2017 between CFC and related contractors.

The main package includes supply, installation, commissioning, and handover of continuous emission monitoring equipment including sensors and transmission system, server, and software with Yokogawa Vietnam. These system devices include the most advanced equipment at the time of deployment, achieving internationally recognized certificates such as dust concentration sensor D-R 290, flow sensor D-FL 220 of Durag, IR 400 gas analyzer, sensors ZX8D, YTA610 data recorder DX2020 and server system of Yokogawa.

The sensors installed at a height of 71.2m on the main stack body.

Related bidding packages such as installing the stack surveillance camera system, monitoring electric meter, providing high-speed Internet connection, drilling the chimney body  at a height of 71.2m to install sensors, testing and verify of measuring devices were also deployed quickly and smoothly.

Specialized vehicle from the Environmental Monitoring Center under the Vietnam Environment Administration came to inspect the equipment

This project is considered a pioneer project in this field in Hai Phong, in compliance with Decree 38/2015-ND CP, Circular 24/2017/TT-BTNMT and the requirements of MONRE, Hai Phong DONRE with the total initial investment to over 7.2 billion dong, the operating cost including supervision, spare parts and maintenance and periodic inspection also reached several hundred million dong per year.

Japanese experts visit the monitoring system installed in the central control room.

The success of the project also demonstrates CFC's strongest commitment in sustainable development, environmental protection, emission reduction and emission control, contributing to the overall environmental protection of Hai Phong city, nationally and globally.